
2017-12-31 14:37:00


比特币披萨(Bitcoin Pizza,英文缩写BPA)已于区块高度501888分叉成功。

2017年年12月31号,跨年夜,Bitcoin Pizza 出生。在2017年最后一天,BPA社区,祝海内外关心比特币发展和所有同胞新年快乐。2018年,BPA社区将在此基础上DAG比特币,对DAG做知识普及,构建dag社区,推动并引领DAG技术的发展。



第二个关键节点是兑换,在DAG主链上线后,持有BPA的用户按照1:1,000,000,000的比例兑换DAG BPA。




Bitcoin Pizza forked successfully , to witness another legendary start

Bitcoin Pizza (BPA) has been successfully forked at block height 501888.

2017, on December 31, New Year's Eve, BPA was born. On the last day of 2017, the BPA community wished Bitcoiners around the globe a happy new year.

In 2018, the BPA community will build upon this DAG technology , popularize DAG knowledge, build a DAG community, and drive and lead the evolution of DAG technology.

BPA is the first breakthrough in the DAG technology used in bitcoin to solve the issue that bitcoin can not circulate prevalently. BPA is the bitcoin version of DAG.

The fork mechanism of BPA is very special. The first key is to fork at the block height of 501888, when the original holders of BTC users get BPA in a 1: 1 ratio.

The second key is redemption. After the DAG network goes live, users holding BPA claim DAG BPA at a ratio of 1: 1,000,000,000.

The first key period is now safe to pass, with Bitcoin holders getting BPAs in a 1: 1 ratio by downloading BPA wallets. And holders whose bitcoin stored in third-party providers can also get BPAs through service provider snapshots. Currently BPA has successfully launched on the currency exchange (https://www.hb.top/) and traded the BPA / USDE market.

Official website: https: //www.p.top/

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